here's the deal: due to probable popular belief in the blogging world, i've dropped off the face of the planet. verdict: i have not.
this semester's been crazy, but oddly sort of fabulous.
my class schedule's kind of nuts (wednesday is my favorite: i work from 9am-12:30pm. then i have class from 1:35-3pm, a class from 5-7, then a class from 7-11pm. guess that blows my new year's resolution to get in bed by 11pm each night!) XD
in other news, in these last two weeks (in no particular order):
i discovered midway, a town north of here and absolutely fell in love with everything about it. i took my big brother out for sushi for his birthday. i got trained for my calling and i'm getting the hang of it...for now. i've had 4 jambas. i'm more obsessed with typography. i took wedding shots of an adorable couple who which was loads of fun (although my feet were numb by the end: canvas shoes + snowy park hills = near frostbite). at work i got new toys: a wacom intuos pen tablet. and a new tripod. i've listened to coldplay's ep twice more. i got to handset type, ie, letterpress style and print it (like they do in 'newsies'.) i watched 'white Christmas' again, for the billionth time and it never gets old. i watched 'enchanted' for the 3rd time. i got an excellent oreo cheesecake shake at the Malt Shoppe, where i also inadvertently used the mens' restroom. on a date.
don't ask.

as for this week, i'm pretty on top of my homework so far. i may be taking more wedding photos on friday. that same day, 3 hardcore art competition entries are due, so that's what i'll be focusing on this week. i know that you're all waiting...with baited breath, i'm sure, for the rest of my 'antisocial' series, but i've had issues with technology: among other things, i just realized that my computer at work, which i do most of my photography and design work on, has a whoppin 80 gb on its hard drive. um...yay. i think i have about 3 gb left. ugh. so photoshop won't let me edit the photos i already's just a hassle right now. so...i'm workin' on it. i won't leave you hanging for long.
and i don't planning on using any more mens' restrooms.
but i make no promises.