
freak out and throw stuff

i just decided.
i don't care what they say. 




--jeff * said...

this is really dang. : )
and makes me smile.

because, yeah, you can.


--jeff * said...

sometimes it's good to go back and re-read blog posts, because you'll miss things the first time.

...like the title.

and in this case, it's awesome.


Anonymous said...

OH MAN! I thought you were going to tell a story about how you freaked out and threw something and then it broke a window...but then you met your prince charming....and then you decided you didn't want him...so you gave him to Talisa....and then you found a sword in a stone and pulled it out...and became queen....and you changed the city to be really cool looking...because you're an artist...and then people because really happy....and all that came about because you freaked out and thew something.

