
february 29th is a fake day

and here's why.

me: hey today. i have an extreme headache and more work to do than i have time for. i don't know how i'mma get it all done.

today: ....

me: what, you're not gonna fight me on this?

today: ....

me: erm...this is unsettling. k, i'm just gonna start then....

today: [vaguely nods]

me: *makes a fancy to-do list, works with incredible focus that i don't hardly ever remember feeling (EVER), completes last paper for block class and sends it, finds some awesome listen-while-i-work bands, reads professor's complimentary notes on my papers, headache slumps off sometime in there, finds evidence to support thesis and gets most of research paper written, looks up, blinks, and rubs eyes.*

me: WHAT.

today: [giggle] happy fake day.

me: WHAT.



--jeff * said...

i kind of did that, too. ; )

i hope my night goes like your day.

really hope.

Adam Johnson said...

I want one of those!